Social Media Measurement Can Improve Your Marketing Strategy

The problem with a lot of businesses is that they struggle with measuring the results of their social media marketing. There are many ways why people struggle with is, some examples are not having the right tools in place or not realizing how beneficial social media data can be. Unfortunately, the only metric many businesses measure is their follower count. That number alone won't do much for a business and shouldn't be the reason for business decisions. A business needs to go deeper for data and gather more than just follower count. Aside from knowing how many followers you have, here is how social media measurement can help improve your business and build your brand:

The first measurement is to know your audience. Your number of followers isn't as important as knowing exactly who is following you. It important to know your audience demographics. Knowing your social media demographics will allow you to answer questions like, how old is my average follower and where are my followers from. Answering these questions will allow you to build your messages to your followers' liking. Also knowing demographics will allow you to create new products and services targeting a specific demographic. The second improvement is to create and share better content. If you have been in any PR class you have heard "content is king" in regards to SEO. Content is crucial for social media marketing. If you are not posting great content that relates to your audience, then you're going to have a rough time getting people to engage with your page. One of the most important metrics is tracking social media engagement. tracking this will allow you to see what posts worked and what posts didn't work. Look for any sort of patterns and similarities with your top social media posts and try to replicate it with future content. The third measurement is to figure out the best time to post. The best time to post really depends on your audience. All you have to do is find your social media posts that have the most engagement, then look at what time they were sent out. There should be a pattern that you can see. Don't make assumptions about when you should post, actually look at the analytics. You will find the most accurate answer.

As nice as it is to take a free-spirited approach to social media, you eventually need to become more data-driven if you want to get the most out of your social media. You should be tracking your social media marketing with the same precision and effort you use to track ads or physical landing pages. If you are not measuring your efforts there is not an opportunity to improve and reach your full potential. It's time to go beyond the followers metric and get serious about social media measurement


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