Five Keys to a Successful YouTube Channel
There isn't one clear way to a successful YouTube channel, but there are keys to running a successful channel. Most successful channels, even if the channels are about completely different things, use the same keys to success to keep their channels from tanking and getting less and less views. There are five keys that most successful YouTube channels use to make their channels grow at a good rate. The first key to a successful YouTube channel is to make good use of metadata. Successful YouTube channels often need more than just engaging videos to become popular. The metadata, which includes title, description, keywords and tags, is incredibly important. Having good metadata will allow one's videos to be discovered more often. The second key to a successful YouTube channel is to have a good video thumbnail. The video thumbnail is the first thing a consumer is going to see, so it is very important that it draws people in. Even if it wasn't what someone was looking for, if it has an engaging thumbnail one may still click on it to find out more. The third key to a successful YouTube page is to keep post consistent. People will only subscribe to your channel if they know what it is they’re looking forward to. If one's viewers like a certain type of video, that type of video should come out on the same day each week. This keeps people looking forward to that next episode, knowing that they won’t have too long to wait. The fourth key to a successful YouTube channel is to engage one's fan base. When people are giving you their attention, especially when they go to the effort of commenting on your videos, the least you can do is engage with your fan base. Actually replying to comments will make one's viewers feel like one actually cares about one's feedback and want to be more engaged because of one is replying to comments from the viewers. The fifth key to a successful YouTube page is to get one's audience involved. This can be as simple as a question of the day or having a hashtag for the video. Having something for one's audience to feel involved will make it a better viewing experience for them and actually want to see more because the audience feels like one's opinion is being heard. YouTube is one of the biggest websites on the Internet, and it's rare for a company to not have a presence on YouTube in today's social world. If a business uses these keys of success, one's channel can be a useful tool for one to use to one's advantage.
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